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Project Info

The Ben Sca wind farm is located approximately 2km south of Edinbane and 7km to the east of Dunvegan on the Isle of Skye. The map below shows the site (outlined in red) in the context of the surrounding area.

Ben Sca Wind Farm - November 2020 Consent

The Ben Sca wind farm, consented in November 2020, comprises seven wind turbines, each with a blade tip height of up to 135 metres.

The original planning application for the Ben Sca Wind Farm comprised 9 wind turbines, arranged in a single linear row.

In response to comments received from the Highland Council planners and consultees, primarily in relation to the potential landscape and visual effects resulting from the turbines located closest to the summit of Ben Sca, the project was reduced to 7 wind turbines, removing the two turbines on the highest ground.

The plan below shows the consented 7-turbine and associated infrastructure layout.

Ben Sca Wind Farm Extension - April 2022 Consent

To enhance the efficiency and associated benefits of the wind farm, the project team undertook a feasibility study looking at all environmental and technical constraints to ascertain whether two additional wind turbines could be accommodated within the site at a more suitable location to that originally proposed near the summit of Ben Sca. The project has a grid connection agreement in place to allow export from nine turbines and therefore the addition of two turbines to the consented seven will enable this export capacity to be maximised.

The most suitable location for the additional two turbines was identified to the northwest of the consented site, at the bottom of the row of consented turbines. These two turbines were proposed on lower ground within forestry so as to minimise landscape and visual impacts. In order to present a balanced design with the seven turbines previously consented and clear the tree canopy, the two additional wind turbines were proposed to have a tip height of 149.9m, but retain the same 115m rotor diameter as the other seven turbines.

The two Extension turbines were consented by The Highland Council in April 2022.

VP1 - A850 lay-by

VP2 - Edinbane Top Road

Proposed Amendments - September 2023

In September 2023, a screening and scoping request was submitted to The Highland Council setting out the intention to apply for planning permission to amend the turbine dimensions of the consented seven turbines of the Ben Sca Wind Farm and consented two turbines of the Ben Sca Extension Wind Farm, and seek permission for minor adjustments to the turbine locations and associated infrastructure.

It is proposed that the following amendments are made to the scheme:

  • increase blade tip height for 7 turbines by up to 14.9m (from 135m to 149.9m);
  • increase the rotor size of all 9 turbines by up to 23m (from 115m to 138m);
  • increase spacing to improve yield and efficiency, minor adjustment to locations, maximum up to 132m movement from consented positions (Ben Sca Extension turbines remain in same locations as consented) with associated adjustments to the access tracks and crane hardstanding to accommodate the new locations;
  • re-location of the onsite substation to the southern area of the site;
  • additional of second temporary construction compound adjacent to Ben Aketil Wind Farm track;
  • increase of generation capacity from consented 37.8MW to up to 40.8MW (increase in annual output from approximately 125,000MWh to 145,000MWh) to maximise grid connection; and
  • increase operational life from 30 years to 40 years.

The figure below presents a comparison between the position of the consented infrastructure and the amendments proposed (click on image to expand).

The rationale for the amendment to the consented wind farm is to:

  • maximise the renewable energy output from the site by increasing generation by approximately 20,000MWh to 145,000MWh which would provide enough carbon-free electricity to meet the needs of around 41,300 UK homes (an increase of approximately 5,700 UK homes on the consented scheme);
  • maximise the secured grid capacity contributing further to Scottish Government net-zero emission targets;
  • ensure that the candidate turbine can be sourced and installed; and
  • to reduce distance to the connection point to the national electricity grid network, following change dictated by Scottish & Southern Electricity Networks (connection point changed from Dunvegan Grid Supply Point (GSP) to Edinbane GSP).

As part of the preparation of a planning application, environmental assessment of the changes proposed at the Ben Sca and Extension Wind Farm site is currently in progress.

Public Exhibitions were held place in November 2023 (see 'Public Consultation' tab for more information).

A fly-through video of a 3D model was presented at the November 2023 Public Exhibitions to provide an indication of how the Ben Sca project would appear should the proposed amendments receive planning consent. There are a number of other wind farm projects currently being proposed in the wider area, which are at various stages of the planning process (either awaiting determination or currently at the scoping stage, pre-submission). The fly-through video includes these proposed developments to provide context of the potential wider cumulative development. This fly-through video can be viewed below.

In April 2024, the redesign planning application was submitted to The Highland Council. The planning application documents are available to view through the below links. These documents are also available through The Highland Council planning website ( ) by searching for planning reference 24/01404/FUL, where you are invited to pass comment on the proposals.

BSR Planning, Design and Access Statement

BSR PAC Report

BSR Non-Technical Summary

BSR Vol 2 EIA Ch1 Intro Project Description

BSR Vol 2 EIA Ch2 Policy Context

BSR Vol 2 EIA Ch3 Landscape Visual

BSR Vol 2 EIA Ch4 Ornithology

BSR Vol 2 EIA Ch5 Ecology

BSR Vol 2 EIA Ch6 Hydrology Hydrogeology and Soils

BSR Vol 2 EIA Ch7 Cultural Heritage

BSR Vol 2 EIA Ch8 Socio economics Land Use

BSR Vol 2 EIA Ch9 Other Considerations

BSR Vol 2 EIA Ch10 Schedule of Mitigation

BSR Vol 2 EIA Ch11 Summary of Effects


BSR Vol 3a Figure 1 1 Site Location

BSR Vol 3a Figure 1 2 Application Boundary

BSR Vol 3a Figure 1 3 Environmental Designations

BSR Vol 3a Figure 1 4 Onsite Constraints

BSR Vol 3a Figure 1 5 Consented Site Layout

BSR Vol 3a Figure 1 6 Proposed Site Layout

BSR Vol 3a Figure 1 7 Comparative Site Layout

BSR Vol 3a Figure 1 8a Site Access

BSR Vol 3a Figure 1 9 Typical Turbine Elevation

BSR Vol 3a Figure 1 10 Indicative Turbine Foundation

BSR Vol 3a Figure 1 11 Indicative Track Detail

BSR Vol 3a Figure 1 12 Indicative Crane Hardstanding

BSR Vol 3a Figure 1 13 Indicative Cable Trench Detail

BSR Vol 3a Figure 1 14 Indicative Substation Compound

BSR Vol 3a Figure 1 15 Typical Control Building Elevations

BSR Vol 3a Figure 1 16 Indicative Construction Compound

BSR Vol 3a Figure 1 17a Borrow Pit 1

BSR Vol 3a Figure 1 17b Borrow Pit 2

BSR Vol 3a Figure 1 17c Borrow Pit 3

BSR Vol 3a Figure 1 18 Substation ZTV

BSR Vol 3a Figure 1 19 Cumulative 10km

BSR Vol 3a Figure 1 20 Cumulative 10km Scoping

BSR Vol 3a Figure 3 4 Topography

BSR Vol 3a Figure 3 5 Landscape Character

BSR Vol 3a Figure 3 6 Landscape Character and Visibility

BSR Vol 3a Figure 3 7 Routes and Visibility

BSR Vol 3a Figure 3 8 Cumulative Sites

BSR Vol 3a Figure 4 1 VP Locations and Viewsheds

BSR Vol 3a Figure 4 2 Ornithology Survey Area

BSR Vol 3a Figure 4 3 1 WE Flightlines

BSR Vol 3a Figure 4 3 2 GE Flightlines

BSR Vol 3a Figure 4 3 3 Other Spp Flightlines

BSR Vol 3a Figure 4 4 Breeding Wader Results

BSR Vol 3a Figure 5 1 Ecological Designations

BSR Vol 3a Figure 5 2 UK Habitat Data 2018

BSR Vol 3a Figure 5 3 NVC Data 2018

BSR Vol 3a Figure 6 1 Local Hydrology

BSR Vol 3a Figure 6 2 Soils

BSR Vol 3a Figure 6 3 Superficial Geology

BSR Vol 3a Figure 6 4 Peatland Classification

BSR Vol 3a Figure 6 5 Bedrock Geology

BSR Vol 3a Figure 6 6 Regional Hydrology

BSR Vol 3a Figure 6 7 Groundwater Vulnerability

BSR Vol 3a Figure 6 8 GWDTE

BSR Vol 3a Figure 8 1 Zone of Theoretical Visibility

BSR Vol 3a Figure 8 2 Community Council Areas

BSR Vol 3a Figure 8 3 Socio economic and Land Use Map

BSR Vol 3a Figure 9 1 Shadow Flicker

Technical Appendices:

BSR Vol 4 TA1 1 CEMP

BSR Vol 4 TA3 1 LV Methodology

BSR Vol 4 TA3 2 Landscape Sensitivity

BSR Vol 4 TA3 3 Viewpoint Analysis

BSR Vol 4 TA3 4 RVAA inc Fig 3 4 1 Annexes

BSR Vol 4 TA3 5 Effects less than Moderate

BSR Vol 4 TA4 1 Ornithology Surveys 2023

BSR Vol 4 TA4 3 Avian Collision Risk Report

BSR Vol 4 TA4 4 Population Modelling WTE Balmeanach

BSR Vol 4 Figure 4 3 1 WE Flightlines

BSR Vol 4 Figure 4 3 2 GE Flightlines

BSR Vol 4 Figure 4 3 3 Other Spp Flightlines

BSR Vol 4 TA5 1 Habitat Vegetation Survey

BSR Vol 4 Figure 5 1 1 Survey Area

BSR Vol 4 Figure 5 1 2 Blanket Bog Assessment Locations

BSR Vol 4 Figure 5 1 3 UK Habitat Survey

BSR Vol 4 Figure 5 1 4 NVC Survey

BSR Vol 4 TA5 2 Protected Mammals Survey Report

BSR Vol 4 Figure 5 2 1 Protected Mammal Survey Results

BSR Vol 4 TA5 3 OHMP

BSR ol 4 Figure 5 3 1 Proposed Peatland Restoration Areas

BSR Vol 4 TA5 4 Forestry with Annexes 5 4 A B C

BSR Vol 4 Figure 5 4 1 Location Map

BSR Vol 4 Figure 5 4 2 Crop Stratification

BSR Vol 4 Figure 5 4 3 Species

BSR Vol 4 TA6 1 PMP with Annex 6 1 A

BSR Vol 4 Figure 6 1 1 Peat Depth

BSR Vol 4 Figure 6 1 2 Peat Depth over 0 5m

BSR Vol 4 Figure 6 1 3 Detailed Peat Depth

BSR Vol 4 TA6 2 PLHRA with Annexes

BSR Vol 4 Figure 6 2 1 Slope

BSR Vol 4 Figure 6 2 2 Slide Risk

BSR Vol 4 Figure 6 2 3 Geomorphology

BSR Vol 4 TA7 1 Gazetteer

BSR Vol 4 TA8 1 PAMP

BSR Vol 4 Figure 8 1 1 Proposed Paths Plan

BSR Vol 4 TA9 1 Transport Statement

BSR Vol 4 Figure 9 1 1 Study Area

BSR Vol 4 Figure 9 1 2 Traffic Count Locations

BSR Vol 4 Figure 9 1 3 Accident Locations

BSR Vol 4 TA9 1 Annex 9 1 A BS Ch12 Transport

BSR Vol 4 TA9 1 Annex 9 1 B AILRS

BSR Vol 4 TA9 1 Annex 9 1 C Materials Calculator

BSR Vol 4 TA9 1 Annex 9 1 D Traffic Data

BSR Vol 4 TA9 1 Annex 9 1 E Accident Data

BSR Vol 4 TA9 2 CTMP

BSR Vol 4 TA9 4 Noise

BSR Vol 4 Figure 9 3 1 Noise Sensitive Receptors

BSR Vol 4 TA9 4 Carbon Calculator inc Annex 9 4 A

NatureScot Visualisations:

BSR Vol 3b Nature Scot Visuals VP3

BSR Vol 3b Nature Scot Visuals VP4

BSR Vol 3b Nature Scot Visuals VP7

BSR Vol 3b Nature Scot Visuals VP9

BSR Vol 3b Nature Scot Visuals VP10

BSR Vol 3c Nature Scot Visuals VP11

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BSR Vol 3c Nature Scot Visuals VP15

BSR Vol 3c Nature Scot Visuals VP16

BSR Vol 3c Nature Scot Visuals VP17

BSR Vol 3c Nature Scot Visuals VP18

The Highland Council Visualisations:

BSR Vol 3d THC Visuals VP1

BSR Vol 3d THC Visuals VP2

BSR Vol 3d THC Visuals VP5

BSR Vol 3d THC Visuals VP6

BSR Vol 3d THC Visuals VP7

BSR Vol 3d THC Visuals VP8

BSR Vol 3d THC Visuals VP12

BSR Vol 3d THC Visuals VP14

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BSR Vol 3d THC Visuals VP18