Public Consultation
Wind2 and EDPR held Public Exhibition events on the proposals to amend the consented Ben Sca Wind Farm (including the consented two turbine extension) on 7th & 22nd November 2023.
The Public Exhibitions were held as follows:
Tuesday 7th November 4:30pm - 7pm, Edinbane Community Hall, IV51 9PW
Wednesday 22nd November 4pm - 6:30pm, Dunvegan Community Hall, IV55 8WA
The Public Exhibitions provided an opportunity to gain information about the proposals for minor amendments to the consented Ben Sca and Extension Wind Farm including an opportunity to see visualisations of how the wind farm would look.
For those who were unable to attend the exhibition events in person, all the materials presented can be viewed using the links below:
Ben Sca Exhibition Banner 1 - Introduction and Summary (Nov 2023)
Ben Sca Exhibition Banner 2 - Environmental Considerations (Nov 2023)
Ben Sca Exhibition Banner 3 - Visualisations, A850 Layby (Nov 2023)
Ben Sca Exhibition Banner 4 - Visualisations, Edinbane Top Road (Nov 2023)
Ben Sca Exhibition Banner 5 - Visualisations, Feorlig (Nov 2023)
Ben Sca Exhibition Banner 6 - Visualisations, MacLeods Tables (Nov 2023)
Ben Sca Exhibition Banner 7 - Visualisations, Greshornish (Nov 2023)
Ben Sca Comparative ZTV, Consented vs Proposed (Nov 2023)
Ben Sca Comparative ZTV, Consented vs Proposed Zoomed In (Nov 2023)
Ben Sca Cumulative Sites, Skye Wide (Nov 2023)
Ben Sca Cumulative Sites, NW Skye (Nov 2023)
Any person wishing to make comments relating to the proposal, or wishing to obtain further information, may do so by emailing:
Alternatively, you can write to the Ben Sca Wind Farm project team at: Wind2 Limited, The Hub, Cromarty, IV11 8YL.
All feedback should be received by 29th November 2023. Please note that comments made to the project team are not representations made to The Highland Council.
Previous Public Consultation Events
An extensive programme of pre-application consultation for the Ben Sca wind farm was undertaken during 2019. The aim of the consultation was to give local communities an opportunity to provide their feedback before the final planning application was submitted to The Highland Council early in 2020.
As part of this programme, Wind2 consulted with Dunvegan, Edinbane and Struan community councils and held two public exhibitions in early May 2019.
At these events, members of the project team were available to answer questions about the project and to discuss specific issues or concerns. Members of the public also had the opportunity to provide feedback on the proposals via a written questionnaire.
To introduce the Extension project proposals to the local community, a wide leaflet drop to the residential properties closest to the wind farm took place in November 2021. In addition to this, the local Community Councils and local Development Trusts were approached to advise them of the proposals and the intention to proceed with the submission of the planning application.